Advocatenkantoor Callens
Burg. Venn: onder de vorm van een BVBA RBV 1147
Company number: 0475561702
BE31 437-6224701-55
BE56 630-3204909-88 (third parties)
Personal data are being processed by B.V.B.A. Advocatenkantoor Callens with registered office at 3052 Blanden, Sappellenbos 1, who is controller. The client’s data are used for legal aid (legal representation and advice) necessary for this agreement. In addition, processing of personal data takes place in the context of the accountancy of the law firm (with the purpose of complying with the legal accounting and tax obligations for which the firm cooperates with an accounting firm) and in the context of public relations (such as invitations for a seminar) as a legitimate interest of the law firm. For the purpose of providing legal aid personal data, such as identity data, correspondence and billing data, are processed that are needed for the aforementioned purposes, including, if necessary, sensitive data such as judicial and/or health data. The data can be obtained from the client or from third parties.
In order to have continuously access to the data, the firm cooperates with processors who store the data on a cloud platform, namely Wolters Kluwer and Pluritech. The staff members and employees that are contracted by the law firm have access to the data of the client for the aforementioned purposes and are bound to a duty of confidentiality.
The data of the client can be stored up to 10 year after termination of the agreement or contact, after which they are erased, with the exception of data that give indication of the existence of a form of cooperation with the law firm.
An electronic newsletter is regularly sent by the law firm. It is always possible to request by a single e-mail to no longer receive the newsletter. Likewise it is possible to object to the processing of personal data in the context of public relations.
In case of processing of personal data the client or his contact has the right to access, rectification or erasure of the personal data, except when this would be in violation of the right to freedom of speech and information or the right to initiate, exercise or substantiate a legal claim. When processing personal data of the client, the client has the right to lodge a complaint with the Belgian supervisory authority. The client has the right to data portability, considering the rights and freedoms of the firm. For more information on the processing of personal data by the law firm, please contact the manager, Stefaan Callens (
All the lawyers working in cooperation with the law firm mentioned on this website, are members of the Brussels Bar, the professional rules of which can be consulted on the following websites : ,
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In case you make decisions please always contact Callens law firm; please do not act on the mere basis of the information provided on this website.
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Please also take into account that information mentioned on this website can and will regularly be modified and updated.